Labor Day has passed. School buses are back on the streets. And while fall doesn’t officially begin until the autumnal equinox on September 22, back-to-school season is undoubtedly in full swing. For some, this time of year is filled with anxiety and memories of trading in your pool floaties for textbooks as a kid. For others, it’s a chance to recharge and head into the final quarter of the year with renewed energy and focus (you know, before they all get thrown off balance by the hustle and bustle of the upcoming holiday season).
Even if you don’t necessarily need it, to quote Meg Ryan’s character in You’ve got mail“a bunch of freshly sharpened pencils” At this point in your life, there are plenty of ways to tap into your inner schoolchild and embrace new opportunities for growth. Think of it as a way to reframe any “fall anxiety” in a more positive light, get a head start on all those resolutions you’ll probably be making in a few months, or just feel more energized. in addition to that.
Not sure where to start? Read on for 30 tips to help you be happier, healthier, and more productive this season.
Establish your health calendar. Blink and the holidays will be here before you know it. So it’s a good idea to book your appointments before the office closes, before appointments fill up and life gets too busy. Schedule COVID boosters, RSV and flu shots, and any other annual exams or dental checkups you might need before the end of the year.
Buy new underwear and socks. Maybe you’re past the point of caring about the latest fashion trends or you’re having growth spurts that require back-to-school shopping at the mall with Mom. But here’s a way to refresh your wardrobe that everyone can benefit from: clear out your sock and underwear drawers and replace anything that’s worn out or no longer fits. Even if no one else knows the difference, wearing new underwear can give you a boost.
Find a hobby for fall. Having a hobby (rock climbing, crocheting, bread making) has many mental health benefits, from boosting your mood to encouraging mindfulness. Taking on a new hobby has the added benefit of challenging your brain (good for cognitive health) and boosting your confidence as you develop your skills. As we settle into the fall term, consider signing up for a new class for yourself or starting something that you can learn (and maybe even master?) in the coming months.
Clean your desk. Kids start the school year with clean notebooks, pens, folders, and other supplies. Whether your workspace is a corporate office, a home office, or a kitchen table with a laptop and a stack of papers, it could probably use a cleanup. Cleaning up—starting with wiping down your desk and other dusty surfaces, clearing your keyboard of crumbs, and throwing away (or at least filing away) random papers—can help you feel better. more productive and less stressed at work. And…
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